7th DauphinePhenomenology Workshop (DPW)
Misunderstandings, Paradoxes and Benefits of a Critique for MOS
Anne Simon : Proust, entre surface et profondeur : Deleuze vs Merleau-Ponty (conférence en français)
Paris, April, 21st 2023, 4 pm
Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) & Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
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- Projects: https://dauphine.psl.eu/en/dauphine/news-events/article/7th-dauphine-phenomenology-worshop-dpw-2023
- The Dauphine Phenomenology Workshop (DPW) is an annual event focused on continental philosophies and their relationships with social sciences in general, and Management and Organization Studies in particular. Although primarily interested in phenomenologies and post-phenomenologies, our agora also covers all major philosophical ventures linked to continental philosophy and post-continental philosophy and their relationships with MOS.
This year, we would like to come back to the critique of phenomenologies in the course of the 20th centuries. Many contemporary philosophers (e.g. Bergson, Deleuze, Braidotti…) have built their thought in reaction and/or against phenomenology[1], in particular traditional orthodox phenomenology and its core concepts such as consciousness, eidetic reduction, perception and intentionality. Whereas this critique has also existed from the inside of phenomenology[2] with Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty or Arendt among others, post-modern thinkers, process philosophers and some post-Marxist have radicalized this deconstruction, which has opened the way more explicitly to an ontological reversal[3] (subjectivity is secondary to the event), a disappearance of traditional subjectivity and subjectivation (‘indiscernible’, ‘evasive’, highly or too ‘epiphenomenal’) but also more questionable critiques in view of the directions of non-orthodox phenomenologies, post-phenomenologies or more qualified interpretations of Husserl’s work.
In the context of this 6th Dauphine Phenomenology, we would like to explore the possibility of these critiques, paradoxes and sometimes, misreadings about phenomenologies and post-phenomenologies. We would like to build a conversation between phenomenologists, post-phenomenologists (discontinuing phenomenological core but claiming to stay in a form of phenomenological venture) and anti-phenomenologists (building an alternative in reaction and against phenomenology). In views of recent research such as those of Michel Foucault, Judith Revel, Peter Sloderdijk, Petr Praesek, Giambo Agamben or Judith Butler, continuities, interweaving and synergies may be much more important than enacted by some historiographies of the 60s, 70s and 80s have defended.
We want to explore here these issues and draw implications for Management and Organizations Studies. Discussions about the following topics will be particularly (but not exclusively) appreciated:
- Ethics and morality of organizing;
- Subjectivation, ethos and agentivity from the inside of organizing;
- Identity, multiple selves and organizing;
- Multiplicity and organizing;
- Materiality, digitality and organizing;
- Materiality, becoming and organizing;
- Art and art-based research;
- Aesthetics and organizing;
- Spacing and emplacement at stake in organizing;
- Atmosphere and affects in organizing;
- Strategy and strategizing as experiences;
- Opening and oppresses of organizing;
- Project management and project dynamics;
- Entrepreneurial processes and entrepreneurial events.
CFP6thDPW_Antiphenomenologiesv9 – Extended abstracts (max 1000 words) should be submitted at dauphinephenomenology@gmail.com before February, 10th 2023 midnight CET.
Scientific committee:
Léo Bancou (Université Paris Dauphine-PSL), Lucie Chartouny (Université Paris Dauphine-PSL), Marion Beauvalet (Université Paris Dauphine-PSL), Sylvain Colombero (Grenoble Ecole de Management), Xavier Deroy (Neoma Business School), Albane Grandazzi (Grenoble Ecole de Management), Ditte Vilstrup Holm (Copenhagen Business School), Pierre Guillet de Monthoux (CBS & SSE), François-Xavier de Vaujany (Université Paris Dauphine-PSL), Jenny Helin (Uppsala University), Wendelin Küpers (Karlshochschule), Géraldine Paring (ESSCA), Paul Richard (Université Paris Dauphine-PSL), Matt Statler (NYU).
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
yangjiezhao (21 avril 2023). Anne Simon | Proust, entre surface et profondeur : Deleuze vs Merleau-Ponty | 7th Dauphine Phenomenology Workshop | Paris Dauphine-PSL | April 21, 2023. Proust au croisement des disciplines. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/syha