Reading Group on In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower by Marcel Proust, 7 July 2022, at the Institut français, London
Dive deep in Marcel Proust’s oeuvre In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower with a reading group at the Institut français in London. Whether you’ve read it or not, explore in English or French how Proust introduced some of his greatest comic inventions, and two figures who for better or worse are to dominate the narrator’s life: the Baron de Charlus and the mysterious Albertine.
Thu 7 July 6.30pm
1h30 | in English and French | £5 non-members, £3 members
You can find information on the book in English on the British publisher’s website.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
yangjiezhao (28 juin 2022). Reading group on Marcel Proust | Institut français | London | 7 July 2022. Proust au croisement des disciplines. Consulté le 19 septembre 2024 à l’adresse